Film Review: Isle Of Dogs

Director Wes Anderson has gradually been making a name for himself as a quintessentially quirky auteur with his unique but meticulously detailed style. So it is no surprise at all that his latest stop-motion animation feature, Isle Of Dogs, is probably his most fine tuned film to date. Bringing a heartwarming tale about love, loyalty and adventure in the face of adversity and doggos… lots of cute adorable doggos.

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Interview: Jon Favreau on The Jungle Book Part 2

We recently sat down for a surprisingly detailed discussion about Jon Favreau’s new project that’s about to hit Australian cinema screens – a live action version of The Jungle Book. In Part 2 of our interview (Look back at part one HERE), we discuss the themes, the casting choices, and music used in the film and ultimately what Favreau learnt from his experience.

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Interview: Jon Favreau on The Jungle Book Part 1

He’s an actor, a writer, a producer and a director, he began his career with a string of successful indie hit films, then eventually broke through to mainstream and big budget blockbusters. From Swingersto Friends to that Daredevil film we don’t talk about to Elf to Iron Manto ChefJon Favreau for the last 20 years has been honing his skills in all areas of film, switching from being in front of to behind the camera and quite often times doing both.

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Film Review: The Monuments Men

Sometimes out of the horror of war there are unusual and intriguing stories to be told. One of these is that of The Monuments Men, a group of civilians tasked with rescuing stolen art masterpieces and culturally important work from the Nazis and returning them to their rightful owners.

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